Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I'm shaking up my first grade homework routine this year! Last year I felt not organize with my homework routine. So I searched teaching blogs and Pinterest for ideas... and I came upon the blogs teachinglittlefirstie and theinspiredapple which had a great homework template! If you go to the site you can download Babbling Abby's Homework Packet Template via Teachers pay Teachers. I took some of  her ideas and combined it with some of my own.

Here's what I'm planning on doing: 
On the blog teachinglittlefirsties - the teacher has a homework binder for each student. The students take home the binder on Monday and return it on Thursday. 

On the right inside pocket of the binder is where unfinished work goes, expected to be turned in the following day. This year any students who fail to turn in their homework on time will have a lunch detention until turned in.

In the front you could store behavior logs and explanation of the behavior program. I will probably only use this for students who are needing a behavior log. 

Next I would have the Weekly Homework sheet. On this page it would explain to parents what is required to be completed for this week's homework, along with the students spelling list. 

The second page would have the student's sound-words and sight-words list. Students would be expected to read these words every night with an adult.

Next page students would complete their weekly spelling homework.

The following pages would consist of  the student's weekly math homework.

The last pages will hold the student's Reading Log and Books in a Bag.In first grade our students are required to read 20mins. every night. This is where the parents will log for the students the books they are reading nightly. Behind the log is where the books are kept.

In the back inside pocket of the homework binder is where students will store Notes Home.                                                                                                 

Hopeful this tool will help keep everyone organize and improve school to home communication.
I will post pictures once I'm finished making my own and I'll report back soon on how it's working in the classroom!

The blogs above have great letters that are sent home explaining the homework binder. I've just finished adding my ideas to the homework binder and reading log letter that will be going home with the parents.

As an incentive for reading at home, students are going to keep track of their reading hours on a STARS Scorecard. For every 6 hours read, students will receive a sticker to go on their stars scorecard. Once students have read 30 hours they will receive a STARS certificate and picture to be taken for the All Stars Reading Board. I'm still in the process of making the STARS Scorecard. Once completed will post a picture. (STARS Scorecard idea was found using Pinterest) 

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